RE:RE:RE:This is Hard To Call
first off you know nothing about me. I hold a little over 17,000 shares in 6 different companies. Before you run your f'cking mouth maybe you should understand who I am. I don't care how many shares I or anyone else owns that is immaterial as to how much or how little they contribute. If you think because I own few shares and I am commenting a lot what the f'ck does it really tell you? Each of my shares means that much to me. And before you keep running your f'cking mouth what did I clearly say when I did not sell at .95 a f'cking nickel short of my $1.00 I will not sell below price. I said I thought about doing so 12 to 14 times before resisting the urge to do so. I was f'cking 5 times up and on a promise I kept I held of selling!!! Had I sold this was a company I was going to buy back more shares in and could have increased my position. You have no f'cking clue what you are talking about. I disappeared because I also promised to keep off the boards which was also as much of a stupid promise to hand cuff myself to price points let me tell you something I deal way more honestly than you can even imagine! I hold shares in mission ready services averaged out at .17 prior to where I am. I held my shares there too looking for a $2 strike point they reached a buck. The shares have been and continue to be terribly manipulated and despite that as here i held my shares. They started to crash and i loving comics stated very clearly when i sold shares of mission ready dropping my self imposed handcuffs i mentioned on the boards doing so. I did so out of courtesy at the time I held 7000 shares went down to 5000. I said clearly there as I said in other places I will not post unless I sell shares and true to my word I have kept it until I finally decided that because people will run their mouths and that I need to grow the hell up and keep very private stuff private I would stop disclosing my positions but I am a damn open book. So much so at a few boards I posted my exact holdings because people like you questioned them...yeah I did that several times because people didnt believe what I said but while I am an open but I will no post my private account. So before running your bloody mouth calling people the dirtiest rat maybe just maybe understand that when someone who has always said positive things about this company yet speaks neutrally that they are being far more honest than many others. Ones amount of shares is immaterial but since we are on it and I told you I have a bit over 17k shares in 6 companies here let me list them Mrs 8400 you know how long I talked to the new ir my first 2 calls were over 3 hours and for what....$1600??? Nxo 3000 Axe 3000 ACDC 1600 yeah that's right my third of six and not by a lot from both nxo and axe, digi 875 and spor 160 after a 20 to 1 roll back was 3200 and so far I got stung. In every damn stock I promised to hold and I mostly did and you know what had I sold at the height took some monies out I was 182 percent up after the over correction down all my stock all of them I add were 75 to 80 percent down and because of my promises I held each and every f'cking share!!! My portfolio from there went to negative f'cking five percent and now at 35 percent gains and yes I also disclosed selling shares at nxo for comics plus to buy more mrs which I gambled and to this point losing on. I held 5500 nxo shares sold 1000 at .27 to help pay for a $325 first Shang Chi appearance I told that on the boards nobody damn business yet I did. I sold another 1500 as I said for more Mrs shares said that there too. If you dont believe I have done that you can check but it will be buried in all the posts but I will find it....yes I also do that if people question my truth you dont want to do that because I will dig and dig and dig to back up what I say unless the info is no longer available. Someone on mrs board said no small cap does share buy backs I told him he is wrong as pyrogenesis did I held shares there and sold all of them. Speaking of which you frown at 1600 shares guess what I passed on getting 1300 shares potentially pyrogeneis at .21. You know what the high went to? $12!!! So do the damn math $15,600!!! How do you now like only 1300!!!??? I didnt want to give pieces of another company that I was thinking to do on a 3 to 1 basis that company made me 8 times my investment but traded 14 times higher but guess what yes true to my word I did not sell. There was a point I finally said all target prices are gone I will now sell but I kept what I had long standing over 7 years I would disclose my dispositions and acquisitions I left it more to dispositions. In any case like I said maybe next time before running your mouth and calling people names just say what you only have 1600 shares and you talk so much even that I dont like but i did this to myself by disclosing private matters. But just look what 1300 pyr shares would have done for me!!! 60 times up!!! So next time keep in mind it doesnt matter about how many shares one has it is what they are worth and how people use them. I never gave any figures here because I have held alot my shares since buying them a second time...thats right I held 3200 before when these were moving to .09 i questioned the legitimacy of the company when it didnt have nearly as much. I sold my position and received a response from the CEO who first apologized for getting back late and he said he has to be careful as to who people are trying to push shares down which is funny because I was checking to see he and the company are legitimate. After reading his response I felt strongly yes and after I posted reasons for selling thinking the company was not legitimate and having sold my shares before getting his response which ironically came the same day I posted that this is a good company. I kept it in mind and no unlike dirty so called rats I not once bad mouthed to scare people to get cheap shares unlike people I call out all the time I paid the going .19 to get my shares it came to a bit more than .20 so I think before you jump on someone's throat give them the benefit of the doubt. Anyways my mistake I should just follow what I said and avoid all this headache however I hope now you know a little about me. I have clearly said in regards to my promise not to post it is because I am very passionate no amounts of monies will determine this. When i am passionate about something i do but in addition to that i have always clearly stated i may flip flop and that is as to my intentions not to sell in the past i sold a lot faster than holding as i did all this time but said I have always been honest like I said I always told when i sold shares and if not always damn close. And those who know me through my posts said yes. One particularly said i am the most honest he may not remember thedave. I also do make high price projections not because I was trying to pump and dump but because I strongly felt the companies were capable of track record is around 60 or so percent on getting prices right. Someone who called me on this I listed all the times I ended up right. I dont play games dont like them never will so why then will i play them on the boards and say to someone like jose you should be ashamed speaking from both sides of your mouth? But when people f'ck with the shares i do say i can play the game too meaning if people are trading shorting whatever i will adjust and strategically sell to keep Green in the near term so far with mrs i have not outside of the comics and have no desire but to try to hold my shares into next year although point blank to it over there i told him what i say here i look short medium and long and I may trade a handful. Like I said I hope you now know a little of who I am but whether you chose to accept or not is nothing I can do but whenever someone challenges me like the person on mrs who I went to lengths to pull out pyrogensis December 14th 2016 yes 2016 news release I will prove what I said. I will go through old posts just to shut people up and to understand that I am what I say I am and dont play any games but as this response and your posts unlike the past keeps reiterating if I shall post and going against what I said more recently not to disclose private matters I should stick to that to avoid all this. Further still stop posting because as I said to another person at nxo if you are as sure footed as you think and as I know I am you would not to bash the company all the time. Anyways I doubt you will make it through my response and if you did see how stupid it is to assume ;-) good luck to you.