Just throwing it out there.....There is a GLOBAL ENERGY crisis on going at the moment, Oil will touch $100 Barrel, Europe has less than 60 day Natural Gas reserves, and China who controls 94% of the Worlds manafacturing magnesium (all auto and metal production world wide) has halted shipping.
ALX aquires MORE URANIUM mines and claims with proven potential and hires the "Wayne Gretzky" of Uranium this week.
The potential for the NUCLEAR machine is about to awaken on a scale not seen since the 50-60's Just throwing it out there, with the volume and growth this week maybe Mr. Stayner knows a little something...
Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers, this stock is basically invisble at the moment, when she goes and she WILL GO, wouldnt it be nice to be the person that helped them reach finacial freedom?
Stayner has done this before........BUY and HOLD!!