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Relevium Technologies Inc V.RLV.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  RLLVF

Relevium Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based company, which operates in the health and wellness industry with a primary focus on online distribution. The principal business of the Company is the identification, evaluation, acquisition and operations of brands and businesses in the health and wellness markets with a focus on e-commerce. The Company operates through two wholly owned subsidiaries, BGX E-Health LLC and Biocannabix Health Corporation Inc. BGX E-Health LLC markets dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, sports nutrition, and cosmeceuticals, primarily through its Bioganix brand portfolio online in the United States. It provides a Push & Pull System by Bioganix. Push & Pull System is a comprehensive natural anti-aging system for complete skin care that combines collagen protein supplements (PUSH) and naturally sourced aloe vera skin anti-aging cream (PULL).

TSXV:RLV.H - Post by User

Post by deeton Oct 25, 2021 11:25am
Post# 34045077

Sunshine day? Heavy volume?

Sunshine day? Heavy volume?
Zimmee1. Always the comedian. Yea..about $1,000 worth of shares traded so far today. Sunshine day for sure.
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