Word of Advice. To: Geturdone, Ahsocks77, FdFd12, Edgetown1invest, Good4you, Stairway to, BC0Ntventures( with number 0).
Your irrational exuberance is indeed infectious to the point of us getting teflon coated and numb of your effrontery. Replete of self laudatory spread of misinformation is a manifestation of all your incredulity.
A dim dullness, however, has the upper hand when the realm of truth is broached. Why? Because all you, bashers are not bothering to ponder what the company’s future could be. You remain on the superficial level without plumbing the depths of Pyrogenesis preamble. Superficiality inhibits us "Pyronaires" our financial progresses well.
Since we have something in common ( shareholders), my advice to :::::
FDFD12 Go after gcap1 who is bashing CMC (-10%)
Ahsocks77 regain rectitude and go protect CTS (-.82%)
Geturdone go support SU (+3.08%)
Edgetown1invest (396) So sorry you sold at a loss and now venting... Faustian, you are!!!!!
August 14, 2020 - 04:40 PM
229 Reads
Post# 31410647
RE:As soon as the NR about the 3 clients
Hope your right Uncle Ron. Have lots of shares...IF these torches are not suitable and a deal is not signed Where does the stock price go??
Stairway to
Are you on the same sinking boat as Edgetown1invest?
Post# 34047616
RE:Nope! PPP is not selling before the first big torches order
Yes you are right, they're may not be "big orders coming"
that's why he's selling. Ever thought of that?
StairwayTo (529) September 25, 2020 - 04:23 PM
252 Reads
Post# 31621784
This has started to look like NMX Lithium
Getting worry.My average now is $4.20, buying 5000 more shares now at $3.40 would bring it down to $3.80.Over current price, (and falling down for a while)
Made a mistake to continue averaging down with Nemaska on great news and press releases and feel I might be doing the same mistake here.
StairwayTo (529) July 20, 2020 - 05:25 PM
408 Reads
Post# 31292849
first post
Hi all, i'm a new investor in PYR and first post in stockhouse, i got in a few weeks back et $2, thanks to a good friend's tip. I read some great things about PYR and got me to buy more. Let's say I did some DD after his tip. I'm now averaging $3.02. I see a lot of big/huge numbers on this board, and see some very good things in the near and long term. But I would like to know why many people talks about billions and billions of $ contracts, to maybe be signed shortly, that say, company A,B,C etc.. and more to come, with 1,000's + of torches to produce.
BC0Ntventures( with number 0) - Time to quit your day job and get a decent salary pay. Spend more time with the ones you care.
To you all, heed this advice: A sage man never know all, only fools know everything. Stay safe and have a good night for tomorrow will be a new beginning….