Competitor All the improvements in green ammonia appears to be coming from improvements in green hydrogen and not from the nitrogen-from-the-air part of the process. If Dincer's patent application is about making electrolysis of water into hydrogen more efficient he's got competition.
U.S. DOE pushing for a reduction in clean hydrogen production cost to $1 (U.S.) per kilogram
To encourage new and creative solutions to bolster clean energy production, the U.S. Department of Energy has just launched what is described as an ambitious Hydrogen Earthshot program aimed at reducing the cost of clean hydrogen by 80 per cent to $1 (U.S.) per one kilogram in one decade (by 2030).
EBH2 systems produce clean hydrogen for less than $1 (U.S.) per kilogram
Currently, production of clean hydrogen from renewable energies (green hydrogen), cost about $5 (U.S.) per kilogram, giving clean hydrogen a cost disadvantage compared with hydrogen produced using fossil fuels (grey and blue hydrogen) which have cost $1 (U.S.) per kilogram. EBH2 is confident its cost per kilogram to produce its clean hydrogen is less than $1 (U.S.), indicating that the EBH2 module already surpasses the Hydrogen Earthshot program goals and is cost competitive compared with fossil fuels base hydrogen.