They are clueless and lost. No FDA app for a study yet! >>>We have not even heard of a formal application to the FDA to even BEGIN a that , if approved, will takes MANY years. Then the FDA has to review the study fir a year. Maybe this gets done by 2026. By then they are out of money and you are no longer shareholders because the financiers agreements let them take over when they go broke, which will happen soon! That is importman only for them if the tech is actually not garbage. You are in a no win situation as shareholders my friends. You should sell your shares ASAP for whatever u can get and go into crypto or pot or anything that has articulated potential. IME is long out of gas. Even the company iteself is not hyping its value. That should worry you. I think it means they know common stock shareholders will soon lose all their share value and the company people want to protect themselves from shareholder lawsuits. They do this by saying they never really promoted the company. In my opinion.