Lots of interest from German investorsBellido is doing a roadshow in Germany.
At one time, this stock was held by mostly CDN investors.
The investor demographic has changed.
Bring on the Germans....the timing for a QRNG solution could not be better.
Threat levels for IT security in Germany are higher than ever before as cyberthreats increase and cybercriminals become increasingly professional,
“In the area of information security, we are on red alert, at least in some areas. Our situation report makes that very clear” BSI president Arne Schnbohm told a press conference.
The report shows a significant expansion of cybercriminal extortion methods known as ransomware attacks, and a dramatic increase in new variants of malware, software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorised access to a computer system.
Between May 2020 and May 2021, 144 million new variants were identified, a 22% increase compared to the same period of the previous year.