Q3 highlightsI'm only halfway through reading it but I'm 13 hours ahead of everyone, so I'm going to bed now.
Interesting items and highlights for me:
Doubling the dividend to .42 a share
Accellerating the present share buyback NCIB to 7% this year
Earnings on target at .71
Average Q3 WTI Cushing was $70.55 (Q4 should be even higher)
Fort Hills slope and water issues over, second train to be back online by the end of the year doubling production there
Refinery utilization was 99%
All turnarounds completed, none expected so Q4 should be good, Q1/22 even better
Higher Nat gas prices increasing input costs
US/CAD Exchange rate issues: product is sold in USD, costs are in CAD. A stronger CAD = higher costs with a lower sales revenue
Generally a strong quarter, and all very good IMO.