There’s simply no predictable pathway to wealth You think your in the perfect play (Nat gas two years ago was way over sold) I optioned Nat gas and lost it....things that are a sure thing are rarely a sure thing. The guy I follow says you must be in a play that's hated and has broken many hearts....I'm not sure we're even close to that with gold as it took Nat Gas 2 years to start cranking (yes it broke a lot of hearts and was viewed crappy for a couple of years) I'm only convicted that this is the play for safe Waffles has said "It took a pandemic last time" Gold is a bitter sweet investment. You really can't enjoy it ripping through the sky because your so engrossed by the current events happening (and you're probably going to be too afraid to sell).
one aspect that brings me hope on this play is a buy out. I'm not sure when that would happen...but I would totally dig being "Newmont Brothers" with you all. (With a monthly dividend too) Buy until it this is one of the most leveraged gold plays out there.
Have a good weekend everyone.