You cannot be honest and approve a post like this.Yep, talking to you mermaidbland and manicountpis
Read this sentence from our local nutbag (somewayoungnut, or std) 3 times
and you will know exactly what kind of person you are dealing with at nauseam on this BB :
"I believe the gentleman being pushed up to the highest mountain ( call it Mt. Sepsis ) as a global giant is "on to something" I believe those that have "sherpa'd" this enormous advancement in critical care are far too smart ot hire a fine young gent from a now 2 cent Canadien pot company to "reach the peak" Kellum is our man and we are thrilled to have him, the "other" name/face on the 30 cent CAD EDT share price is for reasons like we are seeing."
Nuf said. If that isn't a cry for help or a way to obfuscate what is going on here, I don't know what is.
Just the fact that he cites himself, to drown us in his sea of duplicity is also enough to discredit him forever. Any poster who gives him thumbs up is complicit with his destruction of this forum.
Also, that analyst he likes to discredit, was far closer to the truth with her prediction that his little "pal" mm.