INAPPROPRIATE? ... 0.61% CuEq over 164.6 m 2.7% over 35mThe reporting of 'equivalents' is in some jurisdictions ILLEGAL, and for very good reasons:
1. The gullible/naive investor ( and some not so gullible..LOL ) may not realize that a significant part of the so-called 'equivalent' may not be recoverable and hence will add NO actual value to the economic valuation of the mineralization so reported.
2. The determination of such an equivalency, even if it were legal, is dependent on market commodity prices which fluctuate; AND, unless the parameters of the calcualtion are divulged, which nearly never happens when engineered to deceive/trick the Public, it is impossible to determine the validity of the so-called equivalency.
Companies that report equivalencies insteadof factual results are IMHO 'reaching'... i.e., trying to make what they have seem better than it is actually. Not the best way to cultivate confidence, IMHO.
It's no secret who I am, nor that I have had hands on familiarity with underground mining at Alwin.
Do You Own Due Diligence... DYODD