If the activists want to protect wildlife they should show 'leadership' and blockade every road in Europe.
Switching from ICE to EV won't cure the problem.
Around 194 million birds and 29 million mammals are thought to be killed each year on European roads, according to a new study that has ranked the most vulnerable species.
"Road densities in Europe are among the world's highest, with 50% of the continent within 1.5km of a paved road or railway. Roads are therefore a significant threat to wildlife, and evidence shows deaths on them could even cause some species to disappear completely.
Regarding the Kavango..."People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
Namibia and Botswana, with RECAF, are quite capable of implementing modern methods of sustainability with any development of their resources...as opposed to the rip, tear, pillage, and pave everything modus operandi of the 'Old World' imperialists.