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Tetra Bio Pharma Inc TBPMQ

Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc. is a Canada-based cannabinoid-derived drug discovery and development company. The Company has developed a pipeline of cannabinoid-based drug products for a range of medical conditions, including pain, inflammation, and oncology. The Company has a pipeline of formulations and drug delivery systems with a portfolio of assets from the early research and development phase to advanced stage clinical programs. Its products include QIXLEEF, CAUMZ, PPP004, REDUVO, and REBORN 1. QIXLEEF is a botanical therapy with a fixed dosage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). CAUMZ is its inhaled cannabinoid-derived drug candidate. PPP004 is a topical preparation containing either a standardized amount of CBD or a defined ratio of THC and CBD. REDUVO is a soft gel capsule used to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) and weight loss and severe nausea in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. REBORN 1 is in phase II trial.

GREY:TBPMQ - Post by User

Comment by Golddetectoron Nov 03, 2021 8:34am
Post# 34081108

RE:RE:Today’s video why tetra is different

RE:RE:Today’s video why tetra is different

The last two articles I shared here are not paid like WSR one of them is investment research published in uk. These ppl are looking for rewarding small cap investment opportunities. The other one highlights the difference between cannabinoid and medical cannabis that might be confusing

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