RE:Share priceTaal, you hit the nail on the head re saving face with minority shareholders. That has always been on my mind, especially with the backstop of the Standby Agreement. Truly a have your cake and eat it too scenario. And while playing devil's advocate is not my thing, I believe the road to having 2/3's ownership and thus special resolution say would have raised more brows and possibly oppression remedies if another preferential loan was issued without providing the opportunity to all other existing shareholders. That is not to say they (CGX and FEC) are out of the woods as the events in and around the offering do smell afoul and may linger into the short term. While the "equal and exciting opportunity" for all shareholders may have been orchestrated as you and others have postulated, short of a forensic audit I don't necessarily want to ride that merry-go-round. It may also be futile because what does it matter if and when the well hits? A majority of us will take our long sought gains with a $hit eating grin all the same.
As SheDrills has raised, I am relying upon FEC's greed and arrogance to see this through. The aptly stated parent/child relationship is the new normal, and just like such a relationship we may get dragged around but it doesn't hurt to sleep better knowing that they have the burden of weighing minority shareholders interests given their stake in CGX. A stake which they too are looking to cash in on.