RE:@ taal Closing green..And I saw a Heisenbird here sitting ontop of barrel cactus. The closer that I looked to try to 100% identify it, the more that it changed because the simple act of looking changed it in some way. Like with subatomic particles.
Ok, in plain English, the more that people dig for info, then the more secretive CGX will get. That's just my opinion. Who knows, they may already know that they have a commercial well there, but they aren't going to prejudice or compromise their bargaining position by divulging much info. If potential JV or farm-in partners want to see the info, then make them pay millions to see it. Sometimes I wonder if we'll get much info at all in an announcement at TD. They could simply say, Kawa is commercial and leave it at that. Then put together an information package that potential partners pay millions for.