RE:Once again disappointing for shareholders..........
while I appreciate the reality of your comments, consider some other points of reality: gold stocks have been crushed in the last 6 months, crushed, decimated. During this time, ivs has threaded the needle and derisked the opportunities as best as can be hoped for. Once the market starts paying attention, things will move rapidly in ivs favour. Consider the possibility that most things get ignored until they are chased. Use this time like inventus has to move your own position forward whether with ivs or whatever you choose. Most of life catches you on the blind side and while the road here has been long and amounted to not much of anything, we can only deal with what is in front of us. The present management of ivs is in my opinion optimizing all they can with as little dilution as possible. They have done wonderful and all we can hope for is that they work the process as best as they can and over time all they have done will be rewarded. That day is coming soon and so let's all remain optimistic because we have all been patient and soon all will work out very well. We have a quality executive group backing up the stock and doing things for the long term strength and building something real that we will all look at as a big success soon. Stay Strong