Japan Drilling Company - CGX Energy Investor Whale Flop?I think WaitingStil could be on target regarding forced selling pressure from Japan Drilling Company. In the last couple months there has been some JDC PR regarding reorganisation modifications, sponsorship, and efforts to make credit repayments. But damn them because none of their links to financial documents work.
I have emailed them but have no expectations to get a response. I've also emailed CGX and Frontera because if they missed this...shame on them. An investor owning 14,750,000ish shares going flop was material to their company and they should have been tracking that.
Frontera can't ignore the price action in CGX anymore because today it seems it's weighing on them as well....at least tomorrow we coould get clarity during the earnings call. It's sure to be a hot topic during Q&A
210930_notice of the order uploaded_eng.pdf (jdc.co.jp)