Enerplus Way to Cheap - (16-18 dollars)Today POU reported 82500 boe of production, 39% condensate and they market pushed their market evaluation over 3 billion dollars. POU has been my largest holding for years.
ERF look like it could report 120,000 boe a day, 70,000-75,000 boe of liquids.
Both ERF gets a premium price for oil and a premium price for gas. Their did some timely acquisiton and they will be the first quater to get results combined for a full quater as well as drilling results.
I think ERF is trading at a significant discount, and Nymex Gas was an average of $4.01 the last quater, so gas prices were great and all this gas in unhedges.
I think it is going to be an absolute blow out quater, and they closed a divesture, they are very close to their debt target, likely be there before year end. It looks amazing to me for ERF.
My price target is a lot higher, significantly mispriced.