Nov 15th Conf Call and Q3 ResultsMost investors in this stock still hoping Ghezzi pulls a rabbit out his @$# and provides meaningful actual sales data and forecast data for BioCloud on the 15th. Don't expect any good news. We have been there many times before with Ghezzi and his conference calls and quarterly reporting/ outlooks. BioCloud continues to be a big disappointment. After hiring a gazillion distributors to market the product there has still not been a dribble of noteworthy Biocloud sales data forthcoming. The few sales that have occurred continue to get buried in the reporting. Health Canada's approval of BioCloud still a big question mark. The results from the HC review are well overdue which is an ominous point. If the news was good we definately would have heard something by now. Ghezzi needs to come clean on the terrible demand outlook for Biocloud sales and drop the product line. Focus on the base business and stop wasting his time and investors with this fantasy product launch that was promoted as being a complementary piece in the arsenal to fight covid. It is clear now that Bioclud is a dud. Move on.