COPPER CONVERSIONS I was just reflecting on another copper project i was researching few years back -
And reminded myself that chalcopyrite can also convert t o3 other forms of copper,
Now, the Ace Aris report - did mention Bornite, which is an, iron copper oxide.
Azurite is a blue and so is, Bornite.
My question is,
could the chalcopyrite have converted to - azurite or bornite ?
Or, could it be cobalt, or just a simple gem style mineral ?
Things to ponder.
Wikipedia - Chalcopyrite can be oxidized to form malachite, azurite, and cuprite. For what it's worth, thought i'd mention this...
Yup... those range arms branching off the western and douthern side of Barker Mountain look mighty nice., it's not apart of Ace claims... and i'm not sure how far reaching the Cariboo lake claims run, i know they cover the north andsouth side of Cariboo lake, but...
i think it covers another mountain range which appears to have moreso greyish rocks.