and not to mention current market cap at 19 million. 10 cent share price, Mike telling us to to keep on believing, Sylvain quiet as can be, and a CFO whose job it is to count what exactly. All in all shareholders have every right to ask questions. Ps call this week to IR and no surprise there can't tell us status of Brazil, or Mexico.... Asked about scan updates from Netherlands, unable to tell us what through put might have been. So question to anyone is what the f is going on n over there. Either way to quiet because something big is happening or the opposite. Either way the lack of communication is deafening. What will really tell the story is when the next finacials are out where all paid revenue from dermsecure of the Netherlands will show up and here is where they will show their true colours. Either exceptional service ready to explode or we have all been lied to. Look forward to seeing the finacials.