ADVICE ?Have a lil laugh or two...
If i had to advise Hawk i would tel lthem to acquire more lands on the back side of, Mount Barker.
Lands from the backside of Mount Borland to small ( separate ) arced ranged backside of Mt Barker.
Approx 6km width x 4km deep
24 sq km consitiing of 3 ranges - each have exposed outcrops - easy to explore.
= 2400 hectars
x $1.75 per hectar ( B.C. mineral title costs )
= $4,200 carry cost per year. ( pittence vs what it could host )
It would add significant lands that have decent exposure instead of the Ace claim that are
covered in overburden, making it harder to explore.
These claims in question are avail, and would also be closer to Hawk's Criboo claims.
B.C. Mineral titels map.
Find Mount Barker, backside ( lower branch arms are avail )
Google Maps
Find Mount Barker, and compare with titles maps.
3 good branch ranges running from, Mt Borland to small arc range backside of Mt Barker.
Each have decent exposure to outcrops, showing sulphides and oxides and even
sediment crustal banding weaving with in the mountai nrange - bingo..
The parcle of lands i mentioned last eve appear to be staked by another.
That parcelperse is amazing... but, maybe Hawk could find out who owns this and
crakc a deal... ? I have the coooridinates - 52.780038 - 121.216591 and surriunding area.,-121.4415849,13050m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x5386ceba978eee75:0xb8fb5ea0559b0246!8m2!3d52.7599689!4d-121.3855027
Most of these ranges in the main Cariboo Hub around Barker, have south western outcrop exposures.
Far easier ot explore than the north eastern ranges.