New Poster, Long CuraHi Everyone, been in Cura for almost a year and it's my single largest postion in all my portfolios.
Have been in Canadian pot stocks since 2015 and made a 7-figure relaized profit in Canopy up until earlier this year as I was in and out of it a few times, but now totally out and only own Cura.
When I was on the Canopy bullboard, I posted only facts and didn't get into personal attacks. I posted relevant articles and would review their financial statements, as I have a financial background, then provide my opinions. The Canopy bullboard is a total mess and I haven't posted on it for awhile.
I hope to provide this board with relevant articles, opinions and responses to questions. I'm very positive on Cura and am long on it. I've been an active investor for over 20 years and don't, but get married to a stock. I'm long Cura, but if I feel it's no longer a good investment, I sell. I will also sell some of my position if a stock has made me a large gain.