No Surprises MondayShould see earnings in the 86 range & lost opportunities somewhere around 68
Oct started like gangbusters but with the blowout in differentials for Novenber @ least, my expectations have been lowered considerably.
Although I was hoping for a $10 increase from Q3, way to optomistic it would seem.
Differential hedges in the $15 range sure look good.right about now :)
Refinery turn arounds, high price of Nat Gas, + whatever else you can come up with.
Speaking of surpises I gather most people have seem market call by now.
Last time he was on a caller brought up meg & potential takeover & was shut down competely this time round he brings up ATH & tax pools & projects out to 2023. ?????
I smell something fishy.
Maybe there all smarter than I think, keep your job for a couple years, debt free get taken out for 1.8 B ( fully dilluted) warrant holders triple their money. minus the 500 million, 37K per flowing barrel, expensive right now but maybe not in a couple years.
But what do I know?????
Regards Fuz