Gather round Silver Bugs...The Paper market continues to be manipulated down on the Criminal Comex. Given the following 3 factors there is no way the Shorts are covered. Say what you want but Comex allows it's Market Makers to Naked Short. Speculators are continuing to be spoofed into a Bearish painted chart with the goal of herding them into capitulation.
This isn't new but the spread to Physical has been stretched way too far. Why? 3 reasons: 1) Turkey has purchased all of the remaining 2021 allocated 1,000 oz. Silver Bars available for delivery world wide. This has been confirmed with Turkey reporting imports of over 346 tons of Silver recently. 2) India has come out and confirmed that it imported more Physical Silver, approx. 500 tons, in September than the previous 12 months combined. The last 500 ton month for India was April, 2020 when Silver was $10 lower (and helped kick off the Bull run). 3) Standard Chartered, the Criminal Comex Market Maker, has front run and purchased all available 2022 Wholesale Physical Silver through mid year.
Combine this with The Fed's Policy Error, rising Chinese imports of both Physical Silver and Gold, and increasing U.S. Family Wealth Office demand for Physical Gold and we should get a repeat of March/ April 2020 -- have a great weekend!!! GLTA