None of the pumpers can show any proof...of any of their unbacked claims about the Zinc8 technology or Zinc8 as whole. They solely rely on the paid PR and propaganda (paid for by investors) put out by Zinc8 through their marketing arms the likes of Zimtu and Incite which also never provide any real proof of any of their extravagent claims of technology and deal making success.
All it would take would be for Ron MacDonald or one of his paid pumpers to walk through the Zinc8 facilities with their Iphone and make a short 10-15 minute video showing us all that has been accomplished so far and post it to Zinc8 webpage. It would cost next to nothing but they refuse to do it just like their scam artist predecessor MGX/Jared Lazerson. They waste millions of investor dollars on paid promotion - why? Just to fool would be investors. This is the Zimtu Advantage and how practically all Zimtu promoted companies work. Lots of paid promo and lots of dollars spent on marketing but in the end no production or profit.
They don't even try and hide it. They just rely on the fact that there are enough dumb investors out there who will believe the BS they spew without doing any due diligence. If I have not said it before - Dave Hodge, Zimtu, the private placement holders and insiders thank you for your donation especially those of you who have in the past have donated above 30 cents all the way up to 90 cents without the company doing a dang thing. Easy money for them.