I do not suggest or imply-I do not say my list represents Newfoundland exploration and I imply nothing , I share information significant to me.
-I use NFG as a comparable because they are in the same rock type as SIC , have excellent results like Sokoman and certainly have market attention. I have never owned NFG unfortunately.
-I compare to MOZ as an advanced story on the same structure , discovered by Tim Froude, Sokoman's leader.
-I watch LAB and NFLD because I like their management and have proximity to Sokoman. Never owned.
-I track QRO because BEX (Sokoman 50/50 partner on 3 properties ) as a project generator has spun out a property to QRO and is a shareholder.
-Both TTG and CTM have properties spun out from Sokoman.
-I track BEX because SIC has 3 partnerships with us and Tim sits on the BEX board.I respect Steve Stares and I share this opinion with Tim Froude.
-I own a bag full of both SIC and BEX , AND HAVE ADDED TO MY POSITION of both of these within the last week.
-And last but not least i track Sokoman because I think it's the most undervalued of these plays , I have been accumulating over the last 2 years and expect to make some serious money with Tim.
-Draw Your Own conclusions.