Barking Crud on to SomethingAs usual NO, just more noise with plenty of bullshite!! The report was basically an update of what Klein projected in he first report...there was no material loss here and absolutely no justification for all the red we saw Friday, this report was basically the interim report to be expected, with target for profit realized target re upped for the back half of FY2022.
Let's not get our knickers in a bunch here girls there is nothing here but an update on the progress of operations and while longs would have liked to see much better, much faster, as long as Klein is on target and basically supporting their timeline going forward this is a good always just the manipulation trying to distort reality.
The only concern that WEED and it's SHs have is the preservation of democracy and this company will meet and/ or exceed all expectations in the near term. All the best to all the longs. JMHO...Opt