Kramer...All you do it put people down.
You fight, argue, have nothing good t osay, and resist anything ( anyone ) proposes applied to reexamining a project with a new set of, eyes.
Now Kramer....
If you had any sense and sensibility,
you'd have compared the 709m drill findings with Redchris' tech reports.
Redchris' tech reports have a - feldspar anomaly ( K ) associated to their copper.
What would provoke Hawk to piss away 709m on one hole is an anonmaly in itself.
Yet... if one probes any of Imperials former tech reports i have yet ot come across
any EM surveys showing the charability of thier RedChrisd depoist .
Quality surface surface samples on McBride and fringe of Railway show very decent copper grades. Yet... the dril lhole was punched wel laway from these - initial copper findings.
No... tin, zinc, silver, potassium, sulphur, calcium - lime, or carbonate factors mentioned which relate to a copper finding. Magnetite was mentioned but, such should be further examined on its realation to the feldspars.
No pics of cores, no assaying of other metals....
Makes no sense.
Which is why i suggested to checkthe Stikine geology.
It's with the atrtributes - grey ores.
Could be a better match - to Redchris'one of 2 deposits.
Excerpt from press -
The 2019 drill program was limited to a single vertical drill hole, MB-19-01, 703.17 metres deep, which targeted the broad IP chargeability high outlined at the western anomaly (fig. 1). The drill hole intersected volcanic rocks of dominantly andesitic composition, which vary from fine grained to porphyritic in texture. The lithologies intersected are interpreted to be flows and fragmental units and high-level intrusions. In thin sections of the interpreted intrusions, abundant very fine-grained groundmass feldspar and less common fine to medium grained feldspar phenocrysts generally display mild alteration to carbonate, epidote-group minerals, or sericite (fine-grained "white mica"). Subordinate finer-grained mafic minerals are typically altered completely to chlorite and epidote, and these alteration minerals are even more abundant in local crackle-breccia zones observed in thin section. The rocks are cut by local calcite veinlets, with rare disseminated pyrite. Magnetic highs from the Company's downhole magnetic susceptibility logs correspond well with predicted depths of the modeled IP chargeability high, and the relative abundance of finely disseminated magnetite observed in thin section likely explains the chargeability anomaly. While no significant sulphide mineralization was intersected, no distinct porphyry-style mineralization was noted, and no noteworthy copper or gold grades were returned from the samples collected, the Company believes exploration potential remains. The alteration mineralogy in the drill hole is consistent with the presence of a weak propylitic assemblage associated with a porphyry system.
The alteration mineralogy in the drill hole is consistent with the presence of a weak propylitic assemblage associated with a porphyry system. This alteration, coupled with the presence of probable porphyritic dykes through much of the length of the drill hole, suggests strongly that further systematic exploration around the western target area is warranted.
Now compare with....
RedChris copper deposit, page 74.... K feldspars has a huge presence.
You may find it ramblings, while I label it - good DD.
Sifting the past intel - hoping to find something amiss or missed.
Something you're not familiar with based on your post history, Kramer.
Some are just A typical a-ssholes mouthing off from the sidelines.
Cutting down and chewing apart things they don't understand.
Youseem to have a hardon for this stock Kramer....
Perhaps tell everyone why YOU DO ?