RE:Line 5 is making news againGreta is so cue that they like to do what Greta says.
Green energy is a bad name. What we need is clean energy. If fossil fuel can be burned cleanly, let do that because it is abondon and dependable, unlike wind and solar that is not 100% available all the time.
The storing of these solar and wind energy will not just add additional cost but reduce efficiency because you will lost the energy during storing.
There is a coal gasification process to generate coal gas. The name gives you the hint. They converted coal to a mixture contains of
calorific gases including
carbon monoxide,
ethylene and volatile hydrocarbons. This gas burns much cleaner than coal. The pollution can be controlled at the coal gas factory.
I believe in the future, there would be a balance between fossil and non-fossil energy sources. Fossil fuel will not extingiush.
Why I bring this up? If coal gas returns, Enbridge will be ready.