Phase 2 Drilling OutlookPhase 2 gets us among the mined pits and already partially drilled targets.
What should be remembed is that three mined pits were omitted from the 2018 43-101.
Those were Lewis and Reward and Banderol.
Kentors JORC estimates of the Inferred gold resources were 42,000 ounces for Lewis and Reward and 19,000 ounces for Banderol.
Recall the very high grades and potential 2-3 new pits discovered around the Lewis and Reward pits by Monument drilling but just sparsely drilled........and the Banderol apron and its exctension was tested in Phase ( from memory ).
So, it is possible that these 3 pits, drilled by Phase 2 at depth and in their extensions, could quickly add 100,000 - 150,000 ounces to current resources of approx 550,000 ounces, including JORC for Gaby.
High grades quickly boosts resources and the best place to find a new gold mine is near old gold mines.