ROBERT BRISCOE : CASE SHOULD BE REFERRED TO AUTHORITIESRobert Briscoe is definitely a nuisance to any Colabor's acquisition/merger/privatization.
He is sour that Colabor did not bought his own company, Dub Loiselle.
He sits on Colabor's Board of directors perhaps because he has been one of the financial backer of Colabor's "re-capitalization" several years ago, along with an Estate Fund of the late Jerry Zucker.
Colabor has a Whistleblower line allowing shareholders to report any suspicious conduct.
Whistleblower line
At Colabor, integrity and honesty are at the very heart of our day-to-day activities and each of us has a role to play in maintaining those values, which are reflected in our Code of Ethics.
Contact information to report a misconduct, concern, breach or complaint
You can anonymously report any unethical behavior or misconduct that violates our Code of Ethics via the Whistleblower Line; it is a reporting system operated by an independent service provider (Clearview Connections).
This service is available via Internet:
Phone: 1-888-878-9020
Any concerns, deficiencies or complaints reported under our Code of Ethics will be treated with confidentiality and without reprisal or retaliatory action for the whistleblower.
Colabor assumes that the reports are made in good faith and are real and legitimate. Upon receipt of such report or complaint, Colabor will investigate the matter within a reasonable time. These investigations will be conducted with respect, discretion and privacy, and will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law and subject to the Company’s need to invetsigate fully the matter. On the other hand, if the Company discovers criminal or reprehensible activity, it may report such activity to the relevant government or law enforcement authorities.
It would be a good step to submit an enquiry about Robert Briscoe as he is most likely in a conflict of interest situation by pumping and dumping GCL shares as well as sitting as a Board member. At least submitting such an enquiry request would allow, if not compel Mr. Briscoe to explain why is he is handling his tradings of Colabor in that fashion?
COLABOR would logically have already been sold, merged or privatized to this day as it now has an affordable debt. I am sure that the company has been approached for such a sale, merger or privatization.
If Mr. Briscoe is found to be a stumbling block to Colabor's future, he should be dismissed from the Board of directors.