RE:GLTALongs.Great news and for a poor nation, this is a reliable source of hard money that hopefully does not get wasted by cleptocrates.
BTO is exceptional in my opinion, in that they are trying to give back to the places where they operate while also naturally running a business to make a profit.
Ten year Gold chart view in my opinion looks like a step by step up, go ahead at 1900 then back to retest at 1750 range support and long coil above this level which, if the fundamentals also align due to worry about inflation, deflation, stagflation, then gold should punch higher to the 2000$ level and possibly beyond. On can only wait and see but meanwhile this company is making $$$ and no interest while some tech companies with zero profit for the next 3 years are trading at a PE of 125.
Buy low sell high and hope for the best, i in BTO's case