CREST I'M WITH YOU GOLDBERG BE CAREFUL NOOBS!Longs know moneynorthbound YEARS a long with Crest. I was one of the lucky ones that left with 14K ROI butt butt butt but the other 14K gains were wiped out in the bliink of an eye Michael Collins robbed the vault while shareholders were sleeping with confidence. I feel bad for the ones that got caught in the high here!
NOOOBS, there are a ton of poker tables to sit at on penny stock market BE CAREFUL HERE!!!
I cannot extend loyalty to this MM TEAM! Impossible!! I did get an ROI here but butt butt that does not excuse the YEARS I invested heavily to end up with only a 14K green!! shhhhesh
I feel horrible for the ones that bought the diamond one day and than it was a piece of coal the next!!! Sheeeeeeer white crime ROBBERY!!
CREST flashed amazing assets in their portfolio...shareholders bought in with that dd and the very next DAY....Collins robbed the vaulti... sp tanked like a cement falling knife hence you sit here!!
If you are invested here REMEMBER the assets are here today AND GONE TOMORROW!! The thief always return to the scene of the crime for a second chance!!!
Dang fuking right I am posting BUYER BEWARE...gains or no gains serious RISK HERE!!!
DROP the mic!!!
@Goldberg Not with a ten foot pole look what the band of Merry men just did to the Cres holders 0
@Goldberg absolute disgusting mess of malfeasance screwed the shareholders 0