SparkyNeither ..Salt Lake City May 2003.....I know a person who has Petrel ...Suriname had that data for sale ... That person bought .this was the advertisement.Visit Booth 54 Atlas with full set of well data, seismic data and lead inventory. Knowledgeable staff to guide you further. Make an appointment to visit our offices in Paramaribo, Suriname. Visit our website at www. staatsolie. com..after the UNCLOS ruling in favor of Guyana that data got scrubbed ..from Statsolie.that person has lots of stuff and so do I..I got three birds on my desktop ..Petrel and Jacamar..and one that remains unnamed ...I've seen Maka-Central and the rest of lobes east as well as the two west of the border into Guyana shown as one fan complex and there's no real difference I can discern .. Dirk I will drop u a screenshot in a minute