RE:Fine then back to NVO Oh FFS, what a flaming crock. So the guy they had could do effective visual grade control? LMAO. THAT'S a stretcher, even coming from a coke mule.
Every miner in WA is dealing with the same issues; and many are making fat profits and growing their businesses. Earth to Novo: spot gold is up ~50% over the past few years. Other miners know how to run an effing business, FFS, not just how to make one ridiculous excuse after another. Read the quarterlies and production reports from Silver Lake, Ramelius, even Superior Gold. Profits, production, and bank balances, up. It ain't rocket science.
So July was legit, not high-grading, because Novo had a guy who could do grade control without drill data, just by walking around with a rattle can of orange spray paint?
What a clown show this company is.