I agree that Fronterra could have done a public raise at $2 and raised $200 million ....but as you know they raped Cgx over the years and took over this company for relatively very little.Now want intrigues me is that instead of doing a public offering ...they've decided to finance this well themselves....and controlled the share price to make sure they obtained all the rights...Im surprised that they did this offering at $1.63 because they certainly could have financed at a lower price...Im convinced they know Much more than what they have made public....Phantom...as far as the share price goes Fronterra is not interested in share price but only in finding oil...I believe our share price will increase hopefully somewhere between 2.50....3.00 prior to any announcements but I believe it will Not happen gradually but happen very quickly in a matter of several days towards the end of the month or beginning of next month...Fronterra has much more at stake than all of us...Its rare the insiders goals align with minority shareholders......