Cop 26 Do you want to fight climate change? Have fewer children, none, or adopt. Become a vegetarian. Give up flying and driving. Take public transportation exclusively. Downsize to a smaller residence. Don’t own a cottage or second residence. Work remotely. Educate remotely. Set your thermostat in winter at 19 C and air conditioning at 26 C in the summer, and don’t exceed 100 kilometres per hour on the road.
“If everyone in the industrialized world was a vegetarian, emissions could be reduced by 1,191 pounds of C02 per year — a 4.3 per cent cut in emissions,” said climate expert Bjorn Lomborg in a recent interview with The Post.
Instead of offering such pragmatic tips to address pollution, politicians stir up panic then deliver platitudes and net-zero targets decades from now to virtue signal and get elected, he added. They also exaggerate weather events as signs of extinction and ignore the “greening” underway in the world, agriculturally and in terms of reforestation, that in a handful of years is equivalent in size to “two Australias.”