Deadline Q3's 15th'Nov...or wait till KRP's review?Changed independent auditor from Local to Local...HAH...Early webinar reminds me what Aneel said about BDO auditors. "...Now we're going to international market, so hired international auditor..."..HAH....FUNNY
A bit up on SP, looks like "False trading" goin'on there in terms of trading volume. Someone finds 300 pcs of share same time with someone sells exact same price for 300pcs...HAH...Seems like false appearance that the security is being actively trading...
"...False markets usually arise due to the dissemination of false information. This can include
falsified financial statements by a company, inaccurate news spread by the media, a misrepresentation of business activity, such as in many financial schemes, and criminals spreading misinformation through a variety of channels.".... So, is it possible listing in MSE next year? Mngmnt told they planned Q1 or Q2'22....Impossible..
"...Securities must be subject to public offer
within six months of the date of registration of the same and the related prospectus with the FRC. It is prohibited to publicly offer securities after the
expiry of this period.." .... ..... page #8
When STGO registered shares on FRC (Financial regulatory commission of Mongolia) ? On this June... ..... So, grace period about to expire within this year....
Why STGO's management always giving a false information to its shareholders? Punishing TSX shareholders? Any idea on it? .....