Sorry for all the grammar screw ups...was early morning!!  No contacts!

It just puzzles me how a Fully Permitted in Production Miner can be valued so low.  Yes, people don't know what Wollastonite is and what it's used for...I understand.  I'm just surprised more institutional investors and those in the know aren't just gobbling up these ridiculously low shares being offloaded.  There are speculation stocks with no merit trading at 5x the current $VERT price. Yes, I know it has to do with marketing...mostly the Pump and Dumps all the other spec stocks rely on.  There will come a day when this will not be down here in the low pennies...just remember there was a time when we couldn't get it past .02 cents...our next barrier is beyond the .20's.  

Those of you on the bullboard support the company and follow them on Twitter, Facebook and get the word out on this GEM.

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