RE:Interesting talk Luke. I feel some distress lately in your posts. Never believe what the market is doing short term if you are a long term investor.
Even if Martel may invoke supply chain issues if and only if they do not deliver in Q4 what they promised they will do, remember that those planes will get delivered in Q1 2022.
A soft Q4 will be just another opportunity to buy more shares at a discount if you trully believe in this company.
Lukegermany wrote:
i had a nice talk to a Client yesterday. He work for airbus in the 3rd Management Level. We talk about the delivery Issue at the Bomber. He said that we dont need to be worry about it. At aurbus they know in September how many Planes they will deliver at the end of the year. He thinks that the Bomber is waiting f.ex for the tires, cause without tires there is no delivery, but there is no production stop because of this. When the tires arrive there are able(depand on how much pilots they have) to delivery 5-7 Planes a day. Maybe there are 20 Planes they need only 1-2 parts and than the delivery begins. He also has bought a big bunch of shares after the Bomber sell All other division cause He say that the Bomber is state of Art in Business Jets and airbus got so much input to buy c series.. I feel much more comfortable after yesterdays talk..