RE:The Chips are in the Middle of the Table now.$0.18 buy in. I've avoided commenting in this place forever. Everyone here SPECULATES, nothing more. You are all GUESSING. STFU and just wait and see. Get a life outside of this. I'll probably win triple what anyone has invested here and I'm playing for free now after becoming debt free and knocking off a few bucket list items. Bonus points for me because I haven't taken a few years off my life stressing over this stock.
I don't give a frogs fat fanny what you "think". The proof is in the pudding, not what some schmuck or pro insider thinks. Seriously, get a hobby. There's another drill coming up and a massive port about to change the dynamic for all of Guyana. Newbs are little chatterboxes, pros are hoping and praying, others cry about SP. Losing patience? Sell, then get lost.
Want to win big? Shut up and wait. The longer you wait, the bigger the payout. Simple (Like the majority of posters here).
First and last post here. Ciao worrywarts!