RE:LBN - Morrison Mine proposalLynx9 ... REALLY?
Learn who your dealing with ... AGREE
understand where their coming from and then talk ... AGREE
but not with money, this is life style and tradition ... REALLY???
Didn't LBN negotiate for several million in cash over time ($50??) plus forestry rights estimated to be worth several more million ($150??)
It was about money and rightfully so.
Cutting down trees and selling them, otherwise known is forestry, is not traditional for First Nation communities. But it makes sense to utilize resources in this modern world.
Clearly lifestyle and quality of life is directly impacted by money. And by making a living that makes a real contribution, such as in forestry, mining, fishing, healthcare etc. it greatly impacts a person's sense of self worth.
When I lived on a reserve, I sensed that many First nations people just wanted a fair chance to make a good living. Lack of employment and poverty etc. create so many challenges in so many groups around the world.
This is why I can't understand resistance to a project that is safe for the salmon and the water, will create jobs, provide of millions ($200 to $300 or more) in mineral tax for LBN and in all this, is helping save the planet by supplying copper.
And the project WILL NOT impact lifestyle or tradition, as it is 5 or 6 hours drive from the main population base of Woyenne/Burns Lake, in which more than 80% of LBN live.