Page 11 of October 22 PresentationIt says "the channel decapacitates the lobe from it's updip feeder creating a lateral seal ..the feeder is in the North but also updip as the Campanian is pushed down south of the channel therefore is it seemingly postulated here that the feed is happening from the north which is updip so gas more likely to be above part north of channel and oil and gas to oil above brine further south appears counter intuitive at first but with careful study it comes out ..the weight of the Eocene Paleocene sediments changed the natural inclination of the Campanian later going south ..increased pressure ..good for oil generation from source rock being depressed down dip relative to the north the oil would gravitate to area south of the more bouyant gas went north the Campanian pinched out to south accumulation should occur right at the Kawa-1 intercept..that same point of pinch out restricted Eagle from being fed this understanding and Sapakara's latitude all increases the overall prospect of Kawa-1 the logic is valid all the way down to TD ..