As long as … As long as you have certain desired about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is ...
and that is precisely what is wrong with the weeping audience of investors presenting themselves this week and projecting their dysfunctional utopian thoughts on how and what PYR should be doing.
Those focusing on nothing but a 'big whale' torch contract are missing the forest for a tree ... there is an entire organization succeeding on multiple fronts with world-changing technologies and division expansion at warp speed, yet you are missing out on the entirety of PYR's current success story by rooting your attention single mindedly on a 'whale' contract ...
Inhale ... exhale .... and sed what is in front of you, for there will be a day soon in which PYR blasts off forever. And there will be no coming back. Appreciate that you found such an investment. Surely, your family and friends will.
Bobby C.