RE:RE:RE:Actually... the Conf Call didn't impress mePardon me. Allow me to clarify.
Although, before I do so, I will suggest the following.
What you actually proved to me, by way of your feeble attempt to mock me in regards to my comments about 'power generation' capabilities at Platreef, is that you actually didn't listen to Mr. Friedland during the conference call.
Hydro power generated electricity is not entirely how other specific 'renewables' based power is generated, renewables being SOLAR power generation and Wind power generation, to name a couple.
The Vanadium Redox Flow Battery storage solution would, as Mr. Friedland clearly suggested during the confernece call, be utilized to store converted SOLAR energy Cobalt.
With a name like Cobalt, you would forgive me for assuming that you would be well capable of completing the explanation I offered as to potential for renewables, specifically solar, based power generation being utilized at the Platreef project.
Should you believe it is not posible, it would be you who could be setting yourself up to be mocked; not I Cobalt