Potential customers
There are 2755 billionnaires in the world that can afford to buy a business jet. There are 56.1 millions millionnaires in the world that can afford to fly on business jets. There are a multitude of corporations that can afford to buy a business jet, and others that can afford to let their executives fly on business jets. We also have governments that buy business jets to be used by their officials. That is a lot of potential customers for half a dozen companies that manufacture business jets. Why would they want to fly private when they can fly commercial first class ...because they can for some , and because it will be the best way to avoid most of the hassle of travelling by air these days. It won't be long when demand will exceed capacity to manufacture; and what usualy happens then...prices will go up and very good profits will follow. In a few years, when we look back we will consider ourselves lucky to have been able to buy BBD shares at such a good price.