I’m Barclays report They made no mention of the potential short term 1 billion dollar market that Tilray alone is staged to capture. They made blanket false statements about Canadian companies Unable to benefit from the American market. Tilray is already generating 30 plus million dollars a quarter in Amaeirca and only growing with its non thc products. It said ownership of an MSO would only benefit the MSO which makes absolutely no sense. When the USA legalizes Tilray would be in a position to buy MedMen out right.
As for the squabbling on congress and reports shumer wants the big boys out. That just all white noise Shumer knows he's got very little time left before the republicans sweep the elections with the disgusting ratings and polls they have. The defence bill which includes safe banking is set to move before thanksgiving allowing American banks to invest in Canadian Gllobal companies as well. The dems will get their agenda together and push reform soon disregarding all the little non sense shumer wants to create. They need any populartoty they can gain because if they don't hurry and do it the republicans will.