Those least hedged are accumulating cash fastest.
Those least hedged are also often those with lowest debt.
Those are the potential buyers - of those who are hedged, or held back by debt, or who have big useable tax loss pools.
As we move forward, those who increase their dividends, will trade based on yield, and higher share price. They will be able to use their shares to buy out those who are unable to pay a dividend because of debt or hedges.
From an investment point of view, look for those that do not pay a dividend presently (but will when they can), and those held back by higher debt, and in possession of large tax loss pools.
OBE meets all those requirements - it will either get bought out with an offer of 2-3X current share price, or it will pay down its debt and start paying a dividend, which will take it to 2-3X current share price.