RE:RE:Falchani project gets support from CongressThank you neo, glad to know my post was useful to you, especially given the work needed to write it.
Regarding the next steps, you have to know that the Falchani projects covers two concessions (Falchani and Ocacasa 4), of which only Ocacasa 4 is among the 32 disputed concessions. That's why the Falchani PEA (February 2020) included two scenarios:
1. Base case, including both Falchani and Ocacasa 4, with a post-tax NPV8% of US$1.55 billion, and
2. Alternative case, including only the resources in Falchani (not disputed), with a post-tax NPV8% of US$844 millions.
Also bear in mind that the other prospective zones for lithium (Tres Hermanas, Quelcaya) lie inside undisputed concessions too. That's why $LI has announced exploration drilling at Quelcaya and infill drilling in Falchani to convert the resources into reserves. Drilling will start as soon as the permits are in place.
Like you, I don't believe the uranium deposit will be spun off soon, but the Macusani PEA will probably be updated with the results from the recent successful pre-concentration tests. There's also plans to infill drill between the Macusani uranium deposits (which were originally developed by different companies), but from what I have heard that would not be in the short term.